9H30 – 12h30 / 14h – 19h


+33 02 51 30 12 82


Les Sables d’Olonne

camping en Vendée
camping near Les Sables d'Olonne

Not far from your campsite lies the beautiful town of Les Sables d’Olonne. A visit here is almost obligatory during your stay at camping de la Grande Vallée in La Tranche sur Mer. In summer, you’ll marvel at its beauty and ambience.

A lively city by day

Whether it’s on the big beach, on Penotte Island, the Puys d’Enfer, the casino, the zoo, etc., this is a lively town, especially in July and August. Whether you’re with family, friends or just the two of you, you’ll find the right activities for every moment of the day. A rosalie ride will guide you along the long beach to the Puys d’Enfer.

After that, if your legs are tired, it’s a good idea to take a rest on the terrace of a café for a refreshment, a crêpe, an ice cream… You can also enjoy a little stroll with your feet in the water at the end of the day.

The ideal city for a lively evening

camping in Vendée

The ideal city for a lively evening
With entertainment every evening on its embankment in summer, the town of Les Sables d’Olonne dazzles passers-by even at night. You’ll find concerts, comedians and a wide variety of entertainment for all ages in a warm and friendly atmosphere. On occasion, you can enjoy dinner in one of the restaurants or an evening drink by the harbor. The bars are lively and festive.

camping by the beach
camping near eds nautical activities
camping in Vendée