9H30 – 12h30 / 14h – 19h


+33 02 51 30 12 82


Les Salines

camping en Vendée
Vendée salt marshes

During your stay at camping La Grande Vallée take the opportunity to discover the Salines.
Come and discover this exceptional natural park in the heart of the salt marshes. Not only will you enjoy the view, but white gold will hold no secrets for you!

As well as being a nature park, you can also enjoy a wide range of activities on site. Here, our teams are keen to show you how salt is harvested and all the facets of the salt-maker’s trade.
A fun activity to do again and again with the whole family on your vacation in La Tranche sur Mer.

Climb aboard

camping in Vendée
camping by the beach
camping near eds nautical activities
camping in Vendée